
It’s free to become a member. By signing up, you must agree to our membership terms and conditions. As a member you will receive emails regarding our forthcoming events or other DASCS related activities. We will not distribute your information to any third parties or anyone else, and we will only use your email address to contact you regarding anything DASCS-related. Thank you for your support.

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    Membership Terms and Conditions:

    DASCS Membership is free. If an annual fee is added to the membership, you will receive an email notification at least one month prior to the new terms, requiring you to accept the new terms and conditions. Otherwise your membership will be cancelled. As a member of DASCS, you agree to receiving emails from DASCS regarding our events, symposiums and other DASCS-related activities. We will not distribute your email address or your personal information to any third parties. At any time, your membership may be cancelled by written request to with the subject line “Membership Cancellation”. State your name, affiliation and the email address used for the membership. Cancelling your membership removes your email address from our mailing list.